To get there click on the post title above - you can then teleport there (if you are not a member of Second Life, you need a Second Life account to do that). The exact location is Abitibi, 148,28,46 , or you can do a search in-world for The Librarium. The landmark doesn't seem to take you directly there - you may need to walk out of the building you find yourself in and turn right - this is then what you will see:

It's a large building with a huge range of paintings. To fully appreciate them all may take more than one visit if you have the time. It's a great place to visit on both on your own, but even better with a friend. I find you get much more out of the paintings if you have someone to share perspective with. It can so much more enrich your own view by hearing another's who may see something slightly different in an image than you do or than you would have.
You'll find images by Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Dorothea Tanning, Rene Magritte, Joan Miro, Man Ray. Most of these are on the lower floor, with a few interspersed on the upper floor with non-surreal paintings by such artists as Monet, Picasso and Lautrec. There are donation boxes placed around if you want to show your appreciation.
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