
Going Supermarket Shopping in a Virtual World

I don't usually like going to the supermarket, but sometimes experiences of real life can be so much more fun in a virtual world...

I was delighted to find out about the Stay at Home Club in Second Life recently (more in a separate blog post about that), which has kindly created a list of vendors offering free items in the midst of the COVID-19 situation.

One of the vendors was offering a free lemonade stand, which I thought would be fun to get (not sure when I'm going to use it, but that is much like my hundreds of other inventory items...). So I popped over to the destination, Junk Food Mainstore.  So glad I did! The destination was a supermarket, not something I expected to see in Second Life (not sure why, since just about everything else that is in  real life can be found here too).

On the left when you walk in you can find the shopping trolleys and baskets. At first I thought maybe they are just static objects, which would be disappointing, but no, you can walk round with one...

Ready to go!

The place definitely has that supermarket vibe.There are a variety of goods on sale, but also the type of aisles you'd expect to see. My favourite was the veg aisle:

You can't buy the veg but there are items such as noodles and snacks for sale instead. 

 The store also sells non-food items like pool floats, and other odds and ends type items. It would have been really fun to be able to add things to the shopping cart.

There are some really fun nice interactive touches here if you take some time to look around at the details.

I'm pleased to report that there are no queues at the checkout ailsle and no social distancing to worry about!

I do wish they had some of those static avatars at the checkout that you see in so many stores these days, to add a bit more realism. But I imagine this would be a great place for those into role playing,or SL families with kids etc.,  so they would just get in the way.

There's also a parking area outside, small home and garden store, and a great little petrol station, complete with sit down area and vending machines, so if you visit check those out too. 

Overall Junk Food mainstore is another example of the fun builds you can come across in Second Life. I never get tired of find these new places to explore. Find it through the landmark below:

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