
Second Life New Home Theme Previews (at SL16B)

A hot topic over at the Second Life forums is the implementation of the new Linden homes (all premium members get a home option). At the recent Second Life birthday celebration the new theme was unveiled...

The first batches of new Linden homes were released back in April and May (traditional homes and houseboats), and they seem to have been quite a hit as all were sold out within hours of their release.

Linden Lab folk have been busy adding more houses and houseboats to the new Bellisseria continent since (with these additional releases being imminent we believe). They also promised us a taster of what the next theme would be, so of course it's the first thing I wanted see at the SL16B event this year (20 June - 8 July).

An area was specially built for the preview and it certainly didn't disappoint. The landscaping was lovely, and echoed what we have seen already in Bellisseria. Well, the new theme is trailers and campers:

They have stressed that this is just a taster and the final regions may look slightly different, but based on the landscaping in Bellisseria currently I think we can assume it won't differ greatly.

One aspect which is not yet clear (should be this Monday 24th when Patch Linden will be talking at a 'Meet the Linden's event at SL16B) is what size the land plot will be, 512 square meters or 1024 (which is the new as is for the new homes on Bellisseria). There have been hints that they want to give residents the option of themes with smaller plots of 512 so that residents can use the other 512 to buy land on the mainland too if they so choose. I think it's a nice option.

If you missed the preview or just can't make it this year, I made a quick video capture of a ride around the preview area, where you can see all the trailers and cabins:

You can check the area out here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SL16B%20Spellbound/129/202/23

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